There are six Royal Sites in Ireland; Hill of Tara, Rock of Cashel, Navan Fort, Rathcrogan, Knockaulin and Uisneach. These sacred places all have circular constructions known as Ráth and Lios where inauguration ceremonies of Sovereign Gaelic leaders took place.
Rathcroghan is said to be the dwelling place of the Morrigan a war goddess and to provide an entrance to the Otherworld via Oweynagat (Cave of the Cats). The Hill of Tara is said to be the most important royal seat containing the Lia Fail, stone of destiny that will determine true sovereignty. Uisneach is the mystical centre of Ireland and Navan Fort the royal capital of Ulster with Macha its sovereign goddess. In popular folklore the Tuatha De Danann a supernatural race associated with fairies entered their ethereal world through the stone circles and they became known as fairy forts.
This pendant measures 24mm.